Women’s Day

The photograph was taken in Ireland in 1972 : a girl shooting from the gun of her fiancé who was wounded in a battle against the British army. Her wounded fiancé survived after being transported by car to a safe place, while she clashed with British soldiers until she was killed.  When the commander of the Battalion of The English Soldiers found out that they were fighting a woman, he ordered his soldiers not to touch her body and allowed the Irish to bury her and they heard the English commander repeat this sentence:  “We defend a queen who doesn’t care about us. And this woman cares about her lover and her land.”  The photo was chosen for Women’s Day in Ireland and they wrote this sentence: “Don’t be afraid to be associated with a strong woman. The day may come and she’ll be your only army”.   ❤❤❤
Happy Women’s Day ….

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Bored Bunny

Aimless drifting is not as aimless as it seems to be!

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