We the people of India?

I happened to read Tagore’s public letter to Lord Chelmsford, the viceroy of India protesting the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and renouncing the knighthood conferred upon to him in 1915.

A 102 years later, the letter stands relevant even today. The letter was Tagore’s intolerable agony against the enormous and brutal measures taken by the Government of Punjab against helpless Indians. What we witnessed on 28th August 2021 was the doing of an elected state government against the unarmed farmers in free India 102 years later we are exactly where we started from.

The state defended police action on the farmers, saying that although assurances of a peaceful protest were given, yet stones were hurled at cops and a highway was blocked. It is ironic how democracy has been defended in the most anti-democratic way. I am numbed to see this loss of empathy in the democratic discourse.

A government is a political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. This also means that it is answerable and accountable for the policies it frames, the decisions it makes, and the values it creates. I agree that it is essential for the citizens to cooperate with the governing body to ensure seamless and smooth governance. The farm laws are one such policy decision that has created a rift between the government and the people who are affected by it. The basic question here is not what are the farm reforms, as the government would like to call them, but what are the alternative methods that can be used to resolve this conflict keeping in mind the basic tenets of democracy and good governance. Without violating human rights and disturbing social cohesion can we expect the agitating farmers and the elected representatives to come to a conclusion? Well, if wishes were horses.

In this deadlock, we witness the death of law, ethical conduct, accountability, and openness to change every day. I was appalled to see farmers beaten for protesting. Protesting is the basic human right of a civilized society. Accountability is created with protests. Think of a new dress that your parents would impose on you. Wouldn’t you protest! Exactly is the case with farm laws. The government wants us to believe that these laws have been framed for the betterment of farmers, umpteen articles have been written thrashing these laws and this is the reason why farmers are protesting – they don’t want the farm laws. Any civilized society would turn the discourse in the favour of farmers by repealing the farm laws but unfortunately, we don’t witness that in India. It is beyond the scope of this article why the government doesn’t want to repeal the farm laws.

It is a matter of grave concern that we are being robbed of our only tool to hold a government responsible in broad daylight – Protest. If we are not given this freedom to protest then in a free country, we will become slaves. Slaves aren’t supposed to question, they aren’t supposed to protest, they are just supposed to follow orders. It is a dangerous precedent that we are setting collectively as a society. Beating people to get their agreement is akin to paying protection money to gangsters to live a week more. We have reached a point in our civilization where our collective conscience should start questioning the deeds of any government that comes to power. Power is for the benefit of people and not to make a mockery of their votes. Only through accountability and protest can we reign in the power that our votes provide. I we are not careful today we shall have nothing to save in our tomorrow.

One can initiate an inquiry on the IAS officer and perhaps even get him suspended. But the question lies in why did the officer make a statement that was a crushing blow to the democratic process? The confidence in his voice was a telling indictment that he was following orders. Who had issued these orders? Why were these orders issued? What makes the government wary of farmer agitation? What makes the government not recall the farm laws? We the people of India have a responsibility on our shoulders to ensure that we are handing over a free country to our future generations in letter and spirit. Farm laws are just one means to crush the democratic process of holding those in power accountable. There will be many such instances that will test our resilience and we cannot disappoint those moments for they shall decide the status of generations to come – Citizens or Slaves

O Ganga behti ho kyun?

I was introduced to Bhupen Hazarika by my late father in the mid-nineties. The song which my father would occasionally hum was ‘ek kali do pattiyaan’. Bhupen Hazarika was the reason my father adored the Rudali soundtrack. Hazarika’s baritone voice and poetic compositions made the song ethereal. I think this attracted my father the most. He was also the one who introduced me to the Hindi rendition of the Bengali song – ‘O ganga bheti ho kyun?’ 

In this song, Hazarika evokes Ganga and asks her why does she still flow. As people helplessly cry for help, as corruption takes over the human mind, why does Ganga shamelessly continue to flow? I can’t help but correlate this song with the current times. As corpses after corpses are found in the Ganges or on her banks, how does Ganga manage to drift emotionless? Dainak Bhaskar’s front-page headline in one of its Delhi editions read, ‘In the proximity of just one-kilometre, uncountable corpses on the banks of the Ganga.’

Hazarika is pleading with Ganga to give power to the weak. To make the strong comply in front of the poor. I smile because I know that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it does bend, towards justice. Yet, it doesn’t happen on its own. It happens only because people pull it towards justice. I wonder when will my pained nation realize that this suffering is optional? That accountability exists only if you ask questions. That those eroding the responsibility cannot be allowed to go scot-free in ‘lal batti’.

We the people of India are foodless, dying because we cannot arrange for medicines, hospital beds, and let us not forget oxygen. We the people of India are left to the mercy of God, unfortunately, we the people of India did not vote for God. Are we even registering what is happening in this country? On phone calls, we ask our relatives if they are doing fine. In reality, we are asking them, are you still alive? Is this the outcome for which our ancestors toiled?

For once for the sake of our own lives, the lives of the people we love, we must ask ourselves whether we deserve this (mis)treatment? Whether we the people of India deserve to be mocked in misery and death?

Bhishma was Ganga’s son. But today Ganga has millions of sons and daughters. I reckon when they will realize that now is not the time to grieve but to ensure a dignified goodbye. This dignity in death can only come when we can love the living. For a long time now, we have othered people basis their caste, religion, region, culture, and colour. This time our collective grief unites us. The responsible should be punished and the deaths should be accounted for. We should get what we rightly deserve – dignity in life and death.

We can invoke the invisible God a hundred times, we can invoke Ganga Maiyaa a hundred times, yet we shall be all but futile if we don’t invoke the dignity within. Hazarika’s song was a belief in Ganga, he thought of her as a Goddess who will wash away the corrupt and bring justice to the meek. I’ll wait to see how long it takes for the children of Ganga to find their voice and start asking the questions.

Original Assamese Song – Link

Lyrics of Hindi translation by – Narendra Sharma

Oh, the humanity!

This opinion is also available at https://www.womensweb.in/2021/05/what-oxygen-shortage-reveals-about-system-av/

The news reporter Herbert Morrison said this in 1937 in response to the Hindenburg disaster. As the Hindenburg neared the end of its very first flight, it caught fire. Because the Hindenburg was filled with hydrogen, it ignited in a huge fireball. People attempted to jump off to escape. Over 30 people died, and over 60 survived. Upset by the huge disaster, he exclaimed Oh, the humanity in horror. I wonder what expression Morrison would use if he’d see each day, cremation grounds burn thousands of bodies, sending up never-ending plumes of ash that are turning the skies grey over some of India’s biggest cities.

As the days draw to an end, dust settles on the roads, people still queued up at the crematorium, the pharmacies, hospitals, and oxygen cylinder suppliers, let us take a break from the relentless election coverage and look back at the covid numbers once again. At the time of writing this opinion the number of new cases of coronavirus infections on Saturday were reported to be 3,92,488. We all can take solace that the daily count of cases has been lower than the previous day on a non-Monday.

Howbeit, can we offer any consolation to the families of the 12 patients who choked in Batra hospital due to a lack of oxygen supply? Can we as a nation offer any succour to those gasping for breath, searching for hospitals, begging for medicines? As the social media erupt in joyous celebrations of the liberal ideology winning in these elections, I wonder how this win will turn the tables? How this win will set ‘accountability’, the primary driving force in any democracy.

For a long time now, we have excused ourselves as a nation to be ‘accountable’. Not asking questions to the governments and blatantly supporting our politicians at the risk of ignoring scientific and rational temperament has brought us to this horrendous fate.

There is a primary expectation from every government, in terms of ethics and governance. This includes but is not limited to answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and expectation of transparency while giving details of the account. We must ask ourselves whether the current ‘system’ in this country has stood up to these parameters.

For a long, we have treated our politicians as our heroes. We don’t elect them for discharging their duties but to rule us. A ruler can’t be held accountable. They believe that they have received the right to rule due to divine intervention. How can they ever fail? How can they justify their actions? They are above the law of the land and hence, immune to consequences.

Elections don’t represent the ‘victory of democracy’. Elections are means to democracy. Free and fair elections are the basis of a strong democracy. Yet, democracy can only exist if there exists accountability. Citizens sanction politicians using elections to act in their (citizens) best interests. But where is the procedure to ensure that our politicians are held accountable for being able to discharge their duties? The tedious judicial system ensures that justice becomes an infinite wait. People would rather accept the failure of the ‘system’ as their bad karma than the incapability of their elected representatives.

We are told by leading newspaper portals that during the beginning of March 2021, the ‘system’ was made aware of the acute shortage of oxygen. But the advice was ignored. Who ignored it? Why was it ignored? Was this a collective decision or plain obedience to orders? How does all this even work? As citizens of this country gasp for breath, queueing up at the crematoriums to bid a final goodbye to their family members are we supposed to forget all of this and start living again because we are alive? Will there ever be a committee which shall bring the facts in front of the nation? Are we supposed to die because we don’t have access to something as basic as oxygen for survival? Are we orphans of the state? Are we non-existent for the ‘system’ because we can’t hop on a private jet and leave to London?

This catastrophe is not inflicted on us because of our misfortune but because of the utter failure of governance. There is absolutely no accountability due to which ‘we the people’ are in adversity. We’ve been asked to observe resilience in the face of this adversity. I am not sure how resilient a person can be who has lost their loved ones not because they failed but because the ‘system’ was set to fail them. Read that again.

As I pray for survival in these dark times, I only hope that Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Assam don’t choke. You’ve won the election, now stand accountable. India has to develop rational process and procedures to anticipate such devastation and to hold the netas and babus accountable. Otherwise, we are just a vote – a number waiting to be conquered for the limitless greed of power.

An essay on emerging technology trends

This essay has been published at https://www.raisinahill.com/technology-whats-in-for-you-essay-on-emerging-new-trends-in-job-market/

Close your eyes and go back in time, when you were as fresh as the prince of bel-air and were contemplating on picking up a programming language and working super-hard towards a promising future. The game would almost always be between C++ and Java. Some lucky ones would get to work on SAP and those working on Mainframe and VB would be a pitied lot. Ah, memories!

15 years now, we wouldn’t probably do the same thing. We have seen it all and more in the past 15 years. From 2 recessions to economic boom to the current, unprecedented coronavirus crisis. We all are convinced that the world will not be the same place. The world has changed. The world will change. Change is the only constant. The problem lies herein, how do we predict the change? Change is future but it is uncertain and hence unpredictable. What lies ahead is the known unknown. What worries them most is the unknown unknown to this change. Our future survival depends upon how we embrace this unknown unknown, adopt and integrate into the new technology and work.

Below diagram is a comparative study of technological trends in 2005 and 2020

technology trends 2005 to 2020

Whilst we cannot predict the unknown future, we can definitely enable ourselves on the emerging tech capabilities of future. There is substantial demand for the futuristic skills and their expertise will stay relevant in the coming years.

The skills of future include but are not limited to Big Data & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence or AI, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber security and Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

The tech landscape is bubbling with discussions on reskilling the workforce on emerging tech trends. Industry is pushing its employees to Enrol, Learn and Evolve on futuristic capabilities. Needless to say that those who will embrace this change will stay and the ones who resist this change will perish.

Big Data & Analytics

The concept of big data has been around for years. Basic analytics on spreadsheets was always done to uncover possible trends and insights. However, the difference lies in ‘future’ and ‘immediate’. Big data analytics brings speed and efficiency to the job. Information that would perhaps be once mined for ‘future’ purposes can now be harnessed for ‘immediate’ gains. Almost all the industries from Life Sciences, Banking, Manufacturing, Health Care, Government, and Retail use Big Data & Analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has been around since 1956. In Hollywood movies, we have all soon human-like robots that have taken over the world. Well, the current evolution of AI isn’t that scary at all.

AI automates repetitive learning and discovery through data. Thus it can perform frequent, high-volume tasks reliably without exhaustion. One must remember that AI isn’t sold as an individual application but bundled up with the products. A good example will be Siri added as a feature to a new generation of Apple products.

AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms and analyses more and deeper data. This gives AI incredible accuracy. One can say that AI gets the most out of data

Cloud Computing

Imagine the possibility of storing a vast amount of data. But then there is a limit to your computer’s hard drive. Now, think of storing and accessing this data over the internet. The cloud is just a metaphor for the internet. Cloud computing is thus the delivery of computing services – including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence – over the internet (the cloud). This offers velocity to innovation and is far more economic. Gmail is one of the best examples of this.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a network of devices and sensors connected to the internet. These ‘things’ e.g. your smart-watch, enable to send data and received without human intervention.

The word ‘internet of things’ has two main parts; Internet being the backbone of connectivity, and Things meaning objects or devices. Due to the decreasing costs of sensors and connectivity IoT is rapidly advancing.

IoT offers is to connect every physical object with the internet. This would lead to a plethora of information and data getting created and thus would need organizations to have the capabilities to seamlessly store, retrieve and analyse this huge data in order to capitalize on the potential benefits that IoT is going to offer in future. However, security & privacy are the biggest challenges for IoT.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

The ability to automate mundane and repetitive activities. RPA is going to stay because it provides digital workers who work 24*7 without any tiredness, delivers error-free outcomes without compromising the productivity and its ability to multi-task. As of now Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare, Logistics are extensively using RPA. RPA helps focus on business rather than the technology behind it.

Cyber Security

All this technology does compromise security. Cyber Security is protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyber-attacks can be anything from destroying sensitive information to extorting money from users or interrupting normal business processes. Cyber Security overall protects our sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), personal information, intellectual property, data, and governmental and industry information systems from theft and damage attempted.

Industry will rapidly build up further on these technologies. It is essential that we take the cue now and start reskilling ourselves. The new age market place is a virtual lab where our skills are the passports to the jobs we desire.

Coronavirus disease – Exposing the fault-lines in current societal setup

The essay has been published as an article. Link to article – https://www.raisinahill.com/coronavirus-exposing-the-fault-lines/

Read the original below:

Coronavirus disease has in a way dented Karma. For the longest time, we weaved our own Karma. Karma was the result of the choices that we made every moment of every day. It was cosmic justice where good was rewarded and bad was punished. I am sure no one of us chooses Coronavirus. In fact, it looks like Coronavirus descended on Earth to shatter our belief in Karma and to start analyzing the massive inequality human greed has generated. This is definitely not justifying Coronavirus but highlighting the deep fissures that have been exposed by it that need to be collectively examined by societies across the globe.

In India, TV news channels are milking the virus for TRP (Television Rating Point) by establishing, as laughable as it may sound, ‘Corona Labs’. In these ‘Labs’, our respected journalists sit, suited-booted, without talking about the grim realities that we are going to face but generate a subtle panic among the viewers. Maybe this panic is what the masses want but news channels are not entertainment hippodromes featuring races but a window into the realities of society. Have our news channels done their job with complete honesty and integrity will be a question that will keep lingering for a long time?

The Coronavirus pandemic has collided with inequality. As the super-rich and well-to-do stow away themselves in luxury abodes or work from the comfort of their houses, how many of us have truly thought about that garbage collector who every morning rings our doors with consistent and conscientious regularity, or the sweeper who sweeps our roads. Have you thought about what would happen during the monsoons if the gutters are not cleaned? Cleaning gutters still remains a largely human-driven exercise as glaringly inhuman as it maybe. Have we equipped our health workers to care for a substantially ill population? The low-paid group has nowhere to hide. Uber and Ola drivers, Zomato, Dominios, and Amazon delivery force have families to feed and with this uncertainty of lock-down whatever will be their fate. Have we thought about the Police personnel working day and night to maintain law and order situation while the rich and entitled brats sneak away without proper testing at the airports? Apparently, it is impossible for them to quarantine themselves for 14 days while the lesser privileged junta is ready for an indefinite lock-down period without fully understanding the consequences of it. Clearly, the rich are acting as a carrier and passing the virus to their underprivileged friends.

Human empathy was long lost. Coronavirus has only exposed this loss. People below the poverty line who suffer from underlying health conditions face a double whammy of health and economic failure. The lock-down is also the beginning of increasing levels of depression and poor mental health which unfortunately will never be addressed as a priority. A malnourished country like ours which is not able to feed hungry bellies of its children will never prioritize the mental health of its people.

Hand washing, as per the World Health Organisation’s directives, is the front-line defense that is the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease. However, that is a problem for more than 163 million people in India who do not have access to clean water, the highest in the world. In the days to come, will we become the most water-stressed country struggling to cope with the pandemic?

And I am not even starting on the economic mayhem the virus has caused. We have already become a nation of unemployed and impoverished. Inequality is not an act of God but human-engineered systemic greed which has resulted in exposing the fault-lines, a direct outcome of Coronavirus disease, and who knows we are staring at a total collapse of society as we know it.

P.S. This article has been published with few edits on https://www.raisinahill.com/coronavirus-exposing-the-fault-lines/

Women’s Day

The photograph was taken in Ireland in 1972 : a girl shooting from the gun of her fiancé who was wounded in a battle against the British army. Her wounded fiancé survived after being transported by car to a safe place, while she clashed with British soldiers until she was killed.  When the commander of the Battalion of The English Soldiers found out that they were fighting a woman, he ordered his soldiers not to touch her body and allowed the Irish to bury her and they heard the English commander repeat this sentence:  “We defend a queen who doesn’t care about us. And this woman cares about her lover and her land.”  The photo was chosen for Women’s Day in Ireland and they wrote this sentence: “Don’t be afraid to be associated with a strong woman. The day may come and she’ll be your only army”.   ❤❤❤
Happy Women’s Day ….

A point of view on why employees leave and how to have sustainable talent

The contents of this article will be divided into four parts;

  1. Why there is a need to focus on talent sustenance?
  2. Why employees quit?
  3. How to sustain talent?
  4. Parting thought

One must remember while reading the paper that all the points are based on observation and analyzing the behavioral dynamics of office colleagues. This paper is not based on facts and data but observation which I believe plays an equally important role in any analysis if not bigger than data. Upon reading there is every possibility to find the points aspirational and that is exactly what I wish to achieve through this paper, an aspiration for success in making workplaces equitable and free from boredom.

The article should be used as applicable. The factors are based on Indian outsourcing firms and may or may not be applicable as reasoned.

I define a new term, Employee Happiness Index (EHI). The applicability of it depends on the firm’s willingness to experiment and test it. As mentioned before this is an observational paper and not a practical one.

Why there is a need to focus on talent sustenance?

The hiring of every new employee has an economic value to the organization. Each new hire has to be hired, on-boarded, trained and eventually a new assignment is offered. Until an employee is hired and on-boarded, an organization is investing in him or her. The moment s/he twitches training and moves on an assignment, the organization starts gaining returns from the employee. At this point, it is not desirable an employee leaves the organization. Particularly in the IT industry where People are assets other being Processes and Technology. People empowerment should be one of the major goals as every replacement has to go through a learning curve which is a cost to the company, sometimes, as high as 50-60% of the employee’s annual salary.*

At the same time, it is essential to understand, not every employee is worth retention. An organization should be smart to identify those who are crucial for organizational success and need to be retained. Then there are those who are not crucial yet important and there should be enough focus to keep them as well. Then there is a big-league of talent which is good to have and can be accommodated but not necessarily. Every organization has a bush-league of employees which should be churned out. This also enables to hire new and fresh talent from the market.

This article talks about the reasons for which an employee quits and how an organization can sustain talent.

*Cascio, W.F. 2006. Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (7th ed.). Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Mitchell, T.R., Holtom, B.C., & Lee, T.W. 2001. How to keep your best employees:

Why employees quit?

Even before I elaborate on how we can sustain talent, it is essential to understand why employees quit. A general perception is employees quit for a better package. This is true, however, it is essential to understand money is important but it doesn’t buy employee loyalty. More than money, people want a chance to prove themselves by working their way up and having a healthy work-life balance.

There are two broad sections under which we can categorize the tendency for an employee to quit

  • Controllable factors
  • Uncontrollable factors

We shall discuss the uncontrollable factors because these are irrepressible and a company can do little to stop an employee if s/he is leaving for any of these reasons.

  1. Termination
  2. Retirement
  3. No specific reason
  4. Boredom

Believe it or not, employees most of the time have no good reason to offer on their quitting. Here, an organization cannot convince an employee to stay because there is no foundation on which the employee can be asked to stay put. The employee isn’t clear itself and therefore, it is little the HR can help on. There are employees who are bored to stay in the same organization for more than certain number of years. Such employees are drifters. They would not stay in any organization for a long time. The HR team should possibly through behavioral analysis, identify such employees at the time of recruitment. They might be the brightest of the lot, but they aren’t the ones who could bring stability to an organization. It would help to identify such a lot in the beginning and allocate projects accordingly. It would not be good to have drifters for projects which require stability or long term association/ interaction with the client.

Controllable factors – I define these factors which contribute to the Employee Happiness Index (EHI) within an organization.

EHI can be defined as the index which indicates whether an employee will leave or stay with an organization. The lower the index value, the higher is the possibility of the employee to desert the organization. In its absolute form, this value should be 1. However, this is a case of absolute zero and therefore, not possible. Nevertheless, a closer or tending towards 1 value is a good enough indication.

EHI can also be defined as why people leave their jobs. Thus, a lower EHI is always a reason for people quitting. EHI depends, but is not restricted to the below factors –

  1. Advancement – this can also be termed as growth opportunities within the organization
  2. Work-life balance – one can use the terms like stress factor, overworked, rest and relaxation in place of work-life balance
  3. Money – Money is understood in all languages and there is no alternative to it!!
  4. Management – This can itself be further bifurcated into a multitude of branches. Management in itself is an index and should be measured and followed diligently
  5. Difficult co-workers
  6. Geography

I would like to elaborate on these terms for understanding the employee psyche better.

Advancement – If you do a job too well, you’ll get stuck with it. Promotions in an organization shouldn’t be about begging. Nor should the organization shy away from acknowledging employees who have been working day and night to put up a strong client interface. Within IT firms, a general perception is to hold on to the promotions of those at client locations versus those who are working at low-cost center locations. While it is essential to hold on to the employees at low-cost center and keep them happy, it shouldn’t be at the expense of those who are directly interacting with the client. While the employee at the client site enjoys a better salary package it is always at the expense of being in the direct line of fire. Other factors can be personal and/or private.

Even at low-cost site locations, promotions shouldn’t be an a-summit-to-Everest process. Admit it, an employee views promotion as a gesture of encouragement from the organization. And if the organization is less than willing to encourage, there are other organizations waiting to absorb well-trained people at better positions.

Work-Life Balance – This can be called as one of the major reasons for people quitting their companies. Stress or overworked human beings can never give the best results. The work-life balance must go beyond just flexible working hours or even the work-from-home facility. A stress-free environment produces superlative results as opposed to a milieu laden with strain and tension. Flexibility in the workplace is what an employee eagerly looks for.

Money – People do leave for better compensation.

Management – this in itself is an index. There is always a possibility of an employee having management issues. A free and fair environment within an organization gives an employee to voice out his/her opinions. However, it shouldn’t be just limited to lunches and meetings. Until and unless action on the ground happens, it is next to impossible to convince the employees. Moreover, it shouldn’t be just lip service. Employees tend to be intuitive about this and with time start skipping such lunches and meetings.

  1. Alignment with company culture – Employees, sometimes, find it difficult to align with the company culture. We have people from varied geographical regions joining the organization. It is essential even if a single employee joins from a particular geography an HR walkthrough is given to the employee about the history of the company and its culture and ethics. This is done, however, a VC or a phone chat can never replace the potential of personal attention. An employee should feel wanted. Where the older ones are a pro with the processes, the new hires find this process a web. New hires are tangled and soon lose the enthusiasm to continue.
  2. Inadequate training – Training is the mantra to succeed in the future. It is also a pitfall. Identifying the right training needs is all that takes employee survival to another level within an organization.
  3. No appreciation from bosses – A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected. Every good job, however minor it is, should be esteemed. We must not appreciate a good employee’s absence, rather the presence.
  4. No sick leave – Certain organizations don’t give sick leaves. One sick leave per month is all that takes the Employee Happiness Index (EHI) closer to 1. Every sick leave should dissolve with the month. There is no need to carry forward those sick leaves. Imagine the impact it will have on the women’s strength of the organization! Women go through their painful cycle every month and sick leave (rest leave) for them is a way to show we care. It is no Knights Templar’s secret, yet we shy away from giving women employee extra care. This is the workforce that stays loyal to its male counterpart if it is treated with care.
  5. Boss not trusting – When your manager trusts you, s/he empowers you. Trust can be a funny thing; if put in the wrong place it can break the existence of an individual but if showered on the right person, it can move mountains. Trust always encourages an employee to stretch beyond limits to perform.
  6. Boss blames you for mistakes – How many time are we going to pass the buck? The managers/ senior management should understand the buck stops at their desk. A true leader always takes the weight of the mistake rather than pushing the ball in a subordinate or colleague’s court.
  7. Favoritism – Favoritism can arise from anywhere. It is seen in regionalism. It is seen when people mingle out a lot beyond after office hours, sometimes it arises when a manager spots a prodigy. Favoritism can be good or detrimental. It is essential to control it with checks and balances. We can’t be like judges who don’t mingle because their judgment cannot be biased. Yet, we have to ensure our favoritism is in check to not upset other employees.

Difficult co-workers – There are co-workers who reverberate negative chaos every day. They make working difficult for new joiners or even the old wine. Office gossip can be healthy if it doesn’t cross the line of hurting a person’s individuality or credibility. There are victims of office gossip who chose to leave rather facing the situation. This is a logical way out. Again, difficult co-workers result in dropping of Employee Happiness Index (EHI)

Geography – For employees, this is a major factor to consider when they decide to quit. A favorable location may reduce the quit percentage hugely.

Hence, for a good EHI, a win on all the above influences is obligatory.

How to sustain talent?

When employees give you a reason to quit you give them reasons to stay.

The first step in the analysis is the segregation of employees based on their job bands, roles or positions. A parallel analysis should also run which is gender-based. It will be interesting to see what is the eloping pattern based on gender.

The First Thought: It is a matter of concern we still have fewer females in the management roles within the organization. Any organization needs women employees because they bring –

  1. More empathy in the organization
  2. Intuition in the leadership
  3. Possess greater awareness and concerns of their people
  4. Better insights on the outcome of the decision at a larger scale
  5. More loyal than their male counterparts

Imagine the dedication of a womployee (Woman Employee) can bring if she is awarded, acknowledged and appreciated in the organization. To retain womployees and attract more it is essential to prepare the workplace to ensure they can meet their personal or family commitments and be more productive and happy in the workplace. Some of the factors can be/ have been implemented are –

  1. Flexible location – working from home or any other place instead of the office
  2. Compressed hours – working four days a week instead of five by working longer hours
  3. Job sharing – where two or more people on part-time hours share one full-time job
  4. A mentorship program for women, by women – women in the workplace who have successfully been promoted to upper management are by far the best mentors for other women with similar aspirations. Connect them.

Most of these policies are gender independent but womployees have just been historically more willing than men to ditch any workplace that doesn’t meet these demands and suffer the career fallout this may result.

However, it is also essential we stop thinking exclusively in terms of ‘mommy-policies’. Once we have implemented woman-friendly policies, it is essential we mix the demographics again.

The Second Thought: Figure out from the data, Consistent Top Performers

HR should reach out to such employees directly and ask pointed questions. Sample these;

  1. How frequently do you think about looking for a new job?
  2. If given a chance would you leave the organization?
  3. Why would you leave the organization?
  4. Do you feel undervalued?
  5. Have you been trained properly? How relevant it was to the job you are/ were performing?
  6. Is the current job you work at, as per your expectations?
  7. Does your immediate supervisor lack people skills?
  8. Have you been given any creative development opportunities?
  9. Are there any rest and relaxation activities held by your manager?

The investigating team should understand – An ambitious employee cannot have a lazy manager. An unambitious manager may be helpful in many ways but he cannot and must not supervise a zealous person. This creates frustration and friction in the work environment further leading to talent elopement.

The Third Thought: People who were top performers but now their performance has dipped. This holds more wisdom than the previous thought.

Performance can dip for any reason – problems in getting a rightly-deserved carrier progression, conflicts in the workspace, personal issues. An enterprising and connecting HR should figure out the reasons and suggest the cure.

Sample this – when an employee is promoted s/he might find it difficult to cope up with the peers or time or management. A suggested cure by an HR can be signing up the employee for the right training program by identifying the exact cause. There are cases where an employee is facing personal issues. An empathetic ear by HR can create a feeling of being cared for. Empathy and compassion go a long way in employee engagement.

Professional rivalry or peer issues are other problems that dampen the spirit and impact the performance. HR must investigate these matters with diligence and empathy.

The Fourth Thought: Non-performers, Average performers. It is important to figure out how the best hires turn out to be non-performers. The gap in hiring and the expectation from the person has to be bridged. We need to hire the best talent if the best talent within the organization is deserting. Replacing a good or the best talent with mediocrity serves no good.

The Fifth Thought: Work-Life Balance. This doesn’t end with work-from-home policy. The HR department should think beyond policies and processes. Sample this – HR should identify the number of hours an employee is clocking for a project versus the leaves s/he has taken in the period s/he started working in the project. Coupling in other factors like project criticality, days since the project is critical, current situation, etc. a forced leave should come into being after the ‘decided’ threshold for working is reached by the employee. This empathetic leave creates a long-lasting impression in the hearts of the employees. It is seen empathy wins over better than money in the long run.

The Sixth Thought: Identify leaders and managers. This is required in order to ensure the leaders are retained. Some of the points which can be considered in identifying a leader from managers are below –

Leader Manager
Long term goals Focused on short term gains
Thinks of people as people People are mere resources
Earns respect Wants to be liked
Thrilled on the success of team members Threatened, insecure
Empowers honesty and transparency within the team No information sharing, discrete
Result-oriented Concerned more about processes
Takes responsibility for failure Blames the team
Celebrates creativity and open-minded Conceited and thinks creativity as an additional burden

The Seventh Thought: Help people open up. What is common between Tim Cook, Robert Hanson, Lord Browne, Trevor Burgess, Christopher Bailey, and Rick Welts? They are openly gay. Management that promotes individuals irrespective of their personal choices secures a place in the heart of the individuals. It is not just encouraging them to open but also, ensure any downgrade remark or office gossip against them is dealt with severity. Encouraging employees to open also means developing an environment of empathy for them. Without non-judgmental co-workers, this is not possible.

Parting thought

As HR tries to retain, it must remember no employee can hold the company by its neck. Yes, retention is important at the same time there should be no compromise on the principles and ethics of the organization. An organization is a small replica of the society. People thrive in it. They are proud of their culture. By remaining true to its roots, HR must help retaining people, keeping in mind clearly – human nature cannot be predicted. Even after the best efforts, some employees will still leave.

Howbeit, curious data analysis on the employee data can open more doors in sustaining talent. Remember, brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated.

Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and 2019 General Elections

People question my political bias. They accuse me of having a closed mind when it comes to Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). On my part, I try not to mix my pre-established biases and give BJP a thoughtful consideration. This is even after Prime Minister Modi’s atrocious attack on science and common sense. Then comes along the news of the destruction of Pandit Vidyasagar’s statue in Kolkata. This is exactly why BJP disappoints me on all levels. It is not just a party of buffoonery but also bullies who do lip service to our customs and traditions but have no clue about how they came into existence, what shaped their current form and are they beneficial to the society. Worse, they go around destroying the meticulously crafted reforms by women and men who gave it all for the betterment of the oppressed in the society. The recent example is the irreparable destruction of the statue of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar.

Those who do not know about Pandit Vidyasagar read about him. Pandit Vidyasagar, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Mahatma Phule, Savitribai Phule, Govind Ranade and so many more make the heart of the Indian Renaissance movement. During the time I studied, Indian Renaissance made an early entry in the history textbook of class seventh and then again in class tenth (more detailed). I am not sure how the history syllabus is planned today but during the late 90s, it was a study in ancient, medieval and modern history, the revolutions that changed the world as we see, great civilizations and the learnings they left for us and so much more. An entire chapter was dedicated to Indian Renaissance where I first read about Pandit Vidyasagar.

Today widow remarriage is not looked upon with contempt. In Indian society, it is still difficult to get a widow remarried yet not impossible. Imagine the situation of widows during the 18th century. To help in your imagination let me tell you some of the things forbidden for a widow:

  1. A Hindu widow was not allowed to wear a blouse under her sari. The sari was required to be of coarse cloth, preferably white.
  2. Higher Hindu castes had a problem of child widows because child marriage was practiced but remarriage prohibited. A young girl eternally married as a mere child, the death of the husband she had perhaps never known left her a widow, an inauspicious being whose sins in a previous life had deprived her of her husband, and her parents-in-law of their son, in this one. Doomed to a life of prayer, fasting, and drudgery, unwelcome at the celebrations and auspicious occasions that are so much a part of upper caste Hindu family and community life, her lot was scarce to be envied.
  3. In addition to this, the widows were subjected to orthodox rituals like semi-starvation, hard domestic labor, and close restriction on their freedom to leave the house or be seen by strangers.
  4. Many widows had to shave their heads and don white saris, supposedly to discourage attention from men.
  5. Unable to tolerate the ill-treatment, many of these girls would run away and turn to prostitution to support themselves. In 1853, it was estimated that Calcutta had a population of 12,718 prostitutes and public women.

Widowhood in India was a state of social death. The widow’s social and civil death stemmed from her alienation from reproduction and sexuality, following the loss of her husband and her exclusion from the functioning social unit of the family. Once the woman ceased to be a wife, especially a childless wife, she ceased to be a person; she was neither a daughter nor a daughter-in-law. The Brahmanical structure of patriarchy disbarred the woman from having any social existence outside of her husband, and her relationship to him was underlined by her role in reproduction, then as a widow, who or what she was? Ideally, the chaste woman would cease to exist at the death of her husband by joining her husband on the funeral pyre but if she did not become a sati, she came to be institutionally marginalized; while she was physically alive, she was socially dead. In contrast, the lower caste widows did not suffer social death; apart from differences according to caste, there were wide regional variations in widow remarriage practices.

Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar championed the upliftment of the status of widows in India. He did not seek alternative solutions but attacked directly in the heart of the orthodox upper-caste Hindu society. He introduced the practice of widow remarriage to mainstream Hindu society. He petitioned the Legislative council, but there was counter-petition against the proposal with nearly four times more signatures by Radhakanta Deb and the Dharma Sabha. Radhakanta Deb was a scholar of repute. He contributed to the cause of education but still was an upholder of social conservatism. Although sati was not practiced in his own family, he came forward to defend the custom when the Government contemplated its abolition. Yet, Ishwar Chandra did not give up in his fight against the draconian custom and with support of people like Akshay Kumar Dutta, he was successful in introducing widow remarriage in the society. It is important to give Lord Dalhousie due credit here, who personally finalized the bill despite the opposition and it was considered a flagrant breach of Hindu customs as prevalent then.

This is one of the many reforms introduced by Pandit Vidyasagar who is also responsible for the reconstruction of Bengali language. After his death, Rabindranath Tagore reverently wrote about him, “One wonders how God, in the process of producing forty million Bengalis, produced a man!”

It was his statue that was vandalized by the goondas of BJP. Do Amit Shah and his bullies know about Pandit Vidyasagar? Do they even understand the evolution of the current Indian society? Do these powerful men, from the upper caste Hindu elite even understand what took India to become a world power today? It certainly did not happen in the last 5 years. It has taken centuries of hard work by pioneers and visionaries who brought women, minorities, and Dalits on the platform of discussions and reforms. It was the abuse of its women, of a 5000-year-old rotten civilization that made a Vidyasagar rise up and says this is wrong. India is a world guru, which cannot see what is wrong at its feet. BJP is a party, which endorses bully-culture. It is a party of difference indeed. It normalizes vilification, vandalism, threatening and hurling of abuses. It disrespects our social reformers who fought against the dreaded customs, which pull us down even today. The party ideology has no place for common sense let alone reformation, renaissance or even a plain discussion. BJP’s party president forgot that he is fighting an election in India and not a brawl.

I do not support the Mamta way of politics either. If you are against a bully it does not mean that you will turn in to a bully too. Indian Freedom Struggle is a classic example of how to fight against a bully, which has the means and method to create its ways. This time the General Elections in Bengal are dripping in blood. The 42 seats have become 42 kingdoms, which BJP wants to conquer at any cost. Not a single journalist is questioning Mamta Banerjee’s defense mechanism, which is equally cruel. There is brutality on both sides and the people are suffering. Whoever wins, reform loses. Renaissance loses. The stalwarts of Bengal lose. India loses.


Atishi Singh V/S Gautam Gambhir | The lost of honest regulation in Indian politics

This essay is also available at https://raisinahill.com/atishi-marlena-versus-gautam-gambhir/

The job of an analytical mind is a tough one. Not because it has to break the problem into smaller chunks to find an appropriate solution but because it has to strip the problem of its chicanery in order to read the real issue. This is precisely the situation in Atishi Singh versus Gautam Gambhir case. We all thought it was a political battle until those deplorable and unutterable pamphlets, demeaning Atishi Singh surfaced.

AAP has alleged that Gautam Gambhir circulated those derogatory pamphlets and Gautam Gambhir went public saying that he would hang himself if the allegations are proven to be right which is so typical of any one who belongs to BJP. Remember Sushma Swaraj shaving her heard if Sonia Gandhi became Prime Minister or Smriti Irani chopping off her head and presenting it to Mayawati on Rohit Vemula’s case. I fail to understand BJP’s love for melodrama. Nevertheless, bringing our focus back on Gautam Gambhir.

Many videos have since been circulated showing solidarity with Atishi and admonishing Gautam. In today’s world, people are more aware. No longer, there is normalization of apathy. Every action is viewed through the microscope of ideologies and perceptions. To be purely analytical is a tough act, which has to be achieved to ensure a fair treatment of the situation. This is an important episode in the new lows of Indian politics, which should not be missed. The analytical mind’s curse is that it has to strip down the ‘whodunit’ in to;

  1. BJP was involved in this misadventure
  2. AAP fired this bullet
  3. Third party is involved

Let us analyze the first possibility of BJP publishing these disparaging pamphlets against Atishi Singh.

To accuse any person one needs evidence. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has not offered a shred of evidence that links Gautam Gambhir with this except for the full blown, emotional press conference done by Manish Sisodiya and Atishi Singh. Even before we firm our prejudices against Gautam, we must remember that an act as morally reprehensible as this, can burn down the entire reputation of the ex-cricketer not to mention his political career, which is in the seed stage.

Even though there is no evidence of Gambhir’s involvement let us assume this was done by him. This ridiculous anserine step will definitely cost Gambhir his maiden political voyage and his reputation as a remarkable cricketer. Will he be so duncical to pull a stunt like this? It can be argued how misogynist BJP is but even then would it risk the character of the organization for a single seat? If I break this argument to the current times, the answer can be yes given that the only motto of BJP is winning at any cost. It has transformed itself from an ideological party to an election-winning machine. Machines do not think or evaluate the consequences. They are only concerned with the outcome. However, BJP’s only target in these elections is Nehru-Gandhi family, not even the Congress party. BJP or we can assuredly say Modi-Shah have made it clear that their only target is the Nehru-Gandhi family and whatever smear campaign they have run, it is against the Nehru-Gandhi family. Wasting their resources on AAP let alone Atishi is not a part of their agenda. The election campaigns are a proof of this. Even at the height of a vitriolic campaign calling a woman prostitute, concubine is not a gamble a national party will engage in. Modi will not risk his well-crafted image for a single seat. Modi has a fan following among women and risking his national image for East Delhi seat is an idea far-fetched even by his standards. Remember the entire election campaign has been designed by BJP to focus as though Modi is single-handedly contesting elections from every seat. Remember how MJ Akbar was asked to resign, post India’s #metoo. The entire argument based on Gautam Gambhir maligning Atishi’s character is based on loose grounds.

Coming to whether AAP did this in order to generate sympathy among its voters to vote for Atishi. The press conference conducted by Atishi Singh and Manish Sisodia was unsettling. It was cruel by all standards. A woman is reading out a pamphlet, which derides her character brutally. She is in tears and still prodded by Manish Sisodia to go on. At a point, she can no longer continue and the pamphlet is taken by Sisodia who reads it aloud with Atishi still being present there. If this is not cruel, I do not know what cruel is. First she is bullied via a piece of paper. When she cannot tolerate the ordeal, Mr. Sisodia in the garb of a Good Samaritan makes sure that she goes through the entire ordeal. There was absolutely no need to read out the pamphlet. It is readily available on whatsapp, media website, etc. The idea was to create an environment of sympathy for Atishi and present her as a crusader for public who continued her crusade despite the derogatory remarks hurled by her by privileged men. Conspicuous by his absence was Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi. AK’s vivid absence from the press conference was defining. He should have been there to comfort and support Atishi. Like Pontius Pilate he washed his hands clean of the outcome of this situation.

We must remember how Atishi was a sure shot winner until BJP announced the candidature of Gautam Gambhir from East Delhi. In fact, even the AAP was convinced that Election Commission would disqualify Gautam’s candidature based on the allegation of dual voter ID. This never happened. Gautam Gambhir’s entry has made East Delhi a tough exam for all the parties. It is now a closely contested fight between AAP, BJP and Congress. For Atishi to win it was necessary to bring the swing votes in. Perhaps sympathy wave was an idea to fulfill this swing. This can be one of the possibility. If this has indeed happened then India needs to stop and think. This is a pathetic state of mind, which is working only to win. India, the country that won its independence via non-violent methods, always resolved to the spiritual doctrine of the end does not justify the means. After 72 years of independence, our politicians have clearly forgotten the morals, which run politics.

Worse still is that a woman was convinced by its own party to fight on a piece of paper which clearly assassinated her character in the worst possible way. Why did Atishi Singh agree to be a weapon in the hands of men? Is this the empowerment that we as a nation are looking for our women? Using the dignity of a woman to win is a time and tested formula. Why do we use history to justify our actions and not to take the right decisions? If at all AAP has done this, it would be interesting to know whether Atishi was aware of this? In this scenario AAP is indeed a party of difference, stooping lower than any party would possibly imagine.

The third angle possibility is ruled out because no one would like to venture in a situation, which involves the dignity of a woman. With social media has come social awareness and only a fool will tread this path of unrighteous bargain.

I have been following posts on this by different websites and the one from News Laundry is particularly important because they did their research and could not find a single piece of evidence against Gautam Gambhir. This leads to a past controversy where doctored videos of JNU had surfaced. Until date there is no action taken against those who doctored those videos. This is a dangerous trend setup by the ruling party. In days to come if strong action is not taken against those who plot such vicious campaigns, the tone of our political conversation will not just reach new lows (as if it already hasn’t) but also create a chaos in the polity where anyone can take down anyone through use of malicious message on a piece of paper or doctored videos.

No one can comment on the truth. Nevertheless, the eventualities are worth mentioning and the possibilities worth examining. This is what a sensible democracy should do. As a democracy, we are now 72 years old but instead of moving ahead, we are slipping in the past. We are using women as tools to bring down our opponents, how medieval is that? Our women instead of standing up for themselves are happily subservient to the plot, which uses them as a weapon. How is this empowerment? We have entitled men coming on television and asking the details of a woman; whether she has a husband, where is he, etc. How are we as a mature democracy comfortable with this? This is not just a wake up call but an emergency call, which we must answer before our polity hits new lows. We have to reject this politics of use, abuse and dissemination of wrong information willfully. Otherwise we can sit and regret how let our society further slip in the amoral abyss.

News Laundary link – https://www.newslaundry.com/2019/05/10/atishi-aam-aadmi-party-pamphlet-gautam-gambhir-elections-2019

Translation 2 : Ravish Kumar : 2 May 2019 : अल-क़ायदा के कारण प्रतिबंधित हुआ अज़हर, भारत में आतंकी गतिविधियों का ज़िक्र नहीं।

The below essay is a direct translation of Ravish Kumar’s article which was published on facebook on 2 May 2019. I understand that there is a huge demand for his articles in the English speaking world. Below is a humble effort towards this. The translation has taken literary liberty but has not compromised on the gist of the original article written by Ravish. There can be improvisation in few places but this is the beauty of the language.

Link to Ravish’s article – https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1109594879238658&id=618840728314078

Due to his association with Al-Qaeda, Azhar was banned. There was no mention of the terrorist activities he has been conducting on the Indian soil.

Masood Azhar has been identified, banned and added as global terrorist by the United Nations Security council. India has steadfastly followed the principle of diplomatic endurance to get Azhar enlisted in the list of global terrorists from the same UN Security Council, where it first did not achieve success in 2009, 2016, 2017 and March 2019. The success, which is a classic example of try and try until you succeed, will go down in the annals of diplomatic history as an exemplary example of diplomatic endurance shown by India. On 1 May, when China did not raise any objection until 9 O’ clock, it was announced that the United Nations Al-Qaeda Committee has finally put Masood Azhar firmly in the list of global terrorists with allegiance to Al-Qaeda.

Post the Pulwama attack, India had started the rigorous drill to get Masood Azhar on the Global Terrorist list but China did not relent to India’s line of reasoning. This time was different. Had China not agreed this time, then there would have been an open poll in the United Nations, which would have exposed China. On February 27, the United States of America, Britain and France had shared a joint proposal against Masood Azhar. It was because Jasi-E-Mohammed had claimed the responsibility of the ghastly act. At that time, China had raised its objections on March 13.

On 23 April, once again this motion was moved. 1 May was the timeline to raise objections if any. The Security Council decided to declare Masood Azhar a global terrorist because;

1. Security Council Committee pursuant to resolution 1267 had uncovered that Masood Azhar supported Jaish-e-Mohammed which is a banned organization

2. Jaish-e-Mohammed was accused of having financial association with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda

3. Al-Qaeda was responsible for restoring and strengthening terrorists and terror activities in Afghanistan

4. Masood Azhar is the chieftain of Jamaat-ud-Dawa. He keeps changing the name of his organizations but they all have the same blueprint, to spread terrorism.

You can read in detail on resolution 1267 at this link – https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/sanctions/1267

Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for the Pulwama attack. India had besieged Azhar on this ground. But this time in the (accepted) motion the mention of Pulwama attack has been removed. China and Pakistan wanted that Pulwama’s mention should be removed from the motion. Hence, there is no mention of Pulwama or the 2008 attack on Mumbai. In fact, there is no mention of the attack on Parliament either. However, IC 814 has been mentioned in the motion.

India has been demanding that the perpetrators of the attack on Mumbai should be prosecuted and punished. It would have been better if Masood Azhar were bawnned for conducting terrorist activities on Indian soil. This gives validity to the Indian argument that Azhar is conducting anti-India activities from Pakistani soil. He is our enemy as he has been instrumental in conducting terrorist attacks on Indian land. Yet it is a pleasure to see him punished even if it was through the beaten path.

Perhaps Pakistan is relieved that Pulwama didn’t find mention. Yet, it is defamatory enough that Masood Azhar is a Pakistani national. Is it less shameful to be banned because of association with Al-Qaeda? The ball is now in Pakistan’s court. India and the world are now waiting for the arrest of Masood Azhar. What actions Pakistan will take against this Global Terrorist? Pakistan has agreed to implement the ban. In 2001, Jaish-e-Mohammed was banned. However, it is an open secret that this organization has been instrumental in conducting terrorist attacks on Indian soil. Still thick-skinned China and America have a favorable association with Pakistan.

China has also issued a statement on this incident. China has always believed that such work should be done with detailed information, concrete evidence, professional basis and consensus, not on the basis of bias. After positive talks with the respective parties, relevant countries have changed their offer. China has no objection. That is, the point on which China had raised objections have been accepted.

China has added in its statement that Pakistan has made a lot of contribution in fighting against terrorism. The international community also gives credit to Pakistan and supports Pakistan in its fight against terror.

A few days ago, China had claimed Pakistan as its all-weather friend. China is helping Pakistan to restart its space mission. Pakistan wants to send humanized spaceship and China is helping it in this endeavor. This is in stark contrast to India which has managed a successful space program thanks to the vision of its forefathers and the hard work of its unmatched scientists.

China had told Pakistan a few days ago as a companion of all its seasons. Pakistan also wanted to make its space mission successful. China wants to send humanized ships in which China is helping it. India has achieved long-distance success in the field of space science. He also on his own.

Note: I am not a specialist on terror and internal security. I have referenced material from people who keep an eye on the events of this area. For this article my references were;

1. The Hindu – Suhasini Haider and Shriram Laxman

2. Indian Express – Roy and Soumya Ashok

3. The Dawn website of Pakistan – It reports from the point of view of Pakistan which is in favor yet the headline openly calls out the ban on Masood Azhar, UNSC lists JeM chief as global terrorist

The only material I don’t reference is the one from Whatsapp University